

The Cloud Accountant Team slashed MrOwl’s AWS Expenses by 66%, without impacting their business operations.


MrOwl is a cloud storage solution using AWS. By reducing costs, we impacted their bottom line positively.

“It takes an outside point of view to really take a look and assess what’s happening in your accounts” - Becky Raichur, Co-Founder and CTO.

How much did we save them?

Service First Pass Final
EC2 39.6% 59.8%
RDS 77.8% 83.9%
Elasticache 72.8% 77.1%
S3 88.5% 88.5%
DMS 100% 100%
Support 37.7% 46.7%

How did we save them so much?

During our initial review, we identified their key areas of overspend: Compute and Storage. In most environments, these are the most common areas to have overspend, as misconfigurations have a significant impact on costs. In their environment, the largest impact on their monthly spending was underutilized instances and misconfigured data retention policies.


We performed an in-depth analysis of their instance sizing to ensure that machines were appropriately utilized. Across the board, cluster sizes were decreased, and storage configurations were modified. Additionally, unnecessary resources were terminated.


Their environment was utilizing an out-of-date instance class, along with severe underutilization allowing us to take advantage of AWS’s lower-cost gravitron instance families.


Their clusters were heavily underutilized, due to our ability to understand infrastructure from a holistic perspective we were able to recommend consolidation of the clusters along with a decrease in cluster size significantly reducing their AWS Spend.


We identified misconfigurations in S3 Buckets resulting in data usage that did not appear directly to the clients, as objects were being deleted the data was being retained resulting in ballooning S3 Storage costs.


We identified an unutilized DMS Cluster that was previously performing synchronization between their backend data stores which was no longer active, we terminated the unused resources.


AWS Support is a percentage of their monthly AWS spend with their existing plan, by lowering our overall AWS costs we were able to reduce the support costs significantly.


“AWS Costs are hidden, and they make it hard to understand” - Becky Raichur, Co-Founder and CTO

Mr. Owl will now be able to invest their funds into areas which create value for their business, rather than extract value.

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