Cloud Accountant
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Elder Nimbus summons you

Elder Nimbus

Ah, brave adventurer! The winds whisper of your deeds, and it is you whom the Council has chosen. The clouds are growing bloated with excess, and the kingdom’s wealth is being squandered. We need a hero to clip these clouds, to bring efficiency to our realm once more. Will you accept this challenge?

Lets play...
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Meet the Guild

Elder Nimbus

A Band of Adventurers, who swoop in to defeat ravaging Cloud Expenses - Smiting AWS, GCP and Azure’s costs to a fraction of their former power.

About Us
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Our Wares

The Vendor

We’ve travelled long and far to show you our wares, at least a few hundred kilobytes. We promise, you won’t be disappointed when you realize there’s no risk in it for you.

Our Wares