Cloud Accountant
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Meet the Guild

Elder Nimbus

A Band of Adventurers, who swoop in to defeat ravaging Cloud Expenses - Smiting AWS, GCP and Azure’s costs to a fraction of their former power.

Stick with us as we break character here!

Cloud Accountant was founded in 2020, by Robert Greisemer and Alex Cornford after identifying a need in the world to cut Cloud Costs, and we both believe in the need to deliver value first to our customers.

We were tired of seeing tools which didn’t really understand what you were doing recommending bad choices, like completely turning off that NAT server in the corner that’s got low CPU utilization, even though there’s tons of network traffic flowing through it.

Even worse, we were tired of seeing teams come in with just recommendations of cost savings, but expecting their teams to be able to implement those savings on top of their already busy jobs.

Our team of engineers have worked through the stack of small startups, to large organizations - managing Cloud Spends of up to $10 Million/Month, and designing critical infrastructure to keep them servicing their customers.

Needless to say, we understand the value of just getting shit done, and that’s what we’re here for. Oh, and for the pricing - if we don’t save you anything, you won’t pay us a dime.

If you’d like to talk, schedule a call with the button below.

Cost Savings